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  1. # encoding: utf-8 import os import os.path import re import TranslationProcess """ 配置字段 :param isReplace: 匹配修改内容开关,false-只是查找出没有翻译的字段,并不作替换处理; :param dirPath: 需要修改的文件路径,会遍历该文件夹下所有的文件; :param savePath: 保存结果文件地址 :param projectPath: 项目文件路径 :param zhLocalizablePath: 翻译文件路径,一般配置中文翻译的路径; """ isReplace = True savePath = "./Translate" projectPath = "/Users/poto/Documents/Rengonsoft" dirPath = projectPath + "/YunPOS-iOS/YunPOS" #Modules folders = {"Modules", "BLL"} zhLocalizablePath = projectPath + "/YunPOS-iOS/YunPOS/language/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings" """ 全局变量 fileCount 处理文件计数 translateLog 涉及到需要翻译的文件名称记录 localStringFile 本地翻译文件内容缓存 """ global fileCount, translateLog fileCount = 0 translateLog = set() # 中文翻译文件 global tmpStoreZhTrans tmpStoreZhTrans = dict() """ 匹配规则 """ regularString = re.compile(r"@\"[^\"]*[\u4E00-\u9FA5]+[^\"\\n]*?\"") regularNotString = re.compile(r"^((?!NSLog|DeLog|NSAssert|Ignore-Localization).)*$") # 读取项目翻译文件 def readZhLocalizedFile(): global tmpStoreZhTrans TranslationProcess.readLanguageFilesToTmp() tmpStoreZhTrans = TranslationProcess.tmpStoreZhTrans # 搜索开始 def search(path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True): if len(files) > 0: # 搜素 文件内容 process(root, files) # if len(dirs) > 0: # for subPath in dirs: # # 递归搜索子文件夹的内容 # realPath = root + "/" + subPath # search(realPath) """ 执行翻译 核心方法 :return translateStr: 返回需要翻译的字段 beTranslateStr: 已经有翻译,但是没有翻译的字段 """ def process(path, files): global fileCount global translateLog for fileName in files: if os.path.splitext(fileName)[1] == ".m": realPath = path + "/" + fileName hasChange = False try: with open(realPath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as tFile: fileContent = "" for line in tFile: tmpExtra = regularNotString.findall(line) if len(tmpExtra) == 0 or line.strip().startswith("//"): fileContent += line continue totalZh = regularString.findall(line) for zh in totalZh: zhLocalized = zh + ".localized" zhKey = removeExtraChar(zh) if TranslationProcess.tmpNotNeedTransKeys.get(zhKey) == None: if zhLocalized not in line: # 没有存在 翻译的,需要加入翻译标识符 .localized line = line.replace(zh, zhLocalized) hasChange = True # 翻译字段 value = tmpStoreZhTrans.get(zhKey) if value == None: # 遍历 翻译excel zhT, enT, hkT = TranslationProcess.searchZhTranslationInExcel(zhKey) if enT != None: TranslationProcess.writeTranslateToFile(zhT, enT, hkT) tmpStoreZhTrans[zhT] = zhT else: # 没翻译 print("未翻译---" + zhKey) translateLog.add(zhKey) fileContent += line if hasChange == True and isReplace == True: with open(realPath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as changeFile: changeFile.write(fileContent) except IOError: print("read error! path = " + realPath) # 处理进度计数器 fileCount += 1 print("已处理文件:", fileCount) # 去除多余值 def removeExtraChar(str = ""): str = str.strip("@") str = str.strip("\"") return str # 保存搜索结果 def saveSetInPath(setObj, path): # set 转 str content = "" for str in setObj: content += str + "\n" with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(content) if __name__ == "__main__": # 读取翻译文件 readZhLocalizedFile() tmpZhCount = len(tmpStoreZhTrans) # 搜索方法 # 遍历 foler 查询 for str in folders: path = dirPath + "/" + str search(path) # 插入新翻译 字段,保存 if len(tmpStoreZhTrans) > tmpZhCount: TranslationProcess.writeTmpToTrans() if len(translateLog) > 0: saveSetInPath(translateLog, savePath + "/translateLog.txt") print("处理完成-总文件数:%d 需要翻译的:%d \n 结果路径:%s" %(fileCount, len(translateLog), savePath))