@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+#!/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3.8
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
+# This script is part of the xlrd package, which is released under a
+# BSD-style licence.
+from __future__ import print_function
+cmd_doc = """
+2rows Print the contents of first and last row in each sheet
+3rows Print the contents of first, second and last row in each sheet
+bench Same as "show", but doesn't print -- for profiling
+biff_count[1] Print a count of each type of BIFF record in the file
+biff_dump[1] Print a dump (char and hex) of the BIFF records in the file
+fonts hdr + print a dump of all font objects
+hdr Mini-overview of file (no per-sheet information)
+hotshot Do a hotshot profile run e.g. ... -f1 hotshot bench bigfile*.xls
+labels Dump of sheet.col_label_ranges and ...row... for each sheet
+name_dump Dump of each object in book.name_obj_list
+names Print brief information for each NAME record
+ov Overview of file
+profile Like "hotshot", but uses cProfile
+show Print the contents of all rows in each sheet
+version[0] Print versions of xlrd and Python and exit
+xfc Print "XF counts" and cell-type counts -- see code for details
+[0] means no file arg
+[1] means only one file arg i.e. no glob.glob pattern
+options = None
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ PSYCO = 0
+ import xlrd
+ import sys
+ import time
+ import glob
+ import traceback
+ import gc
+ from xlrd.timemachine import xrange, REPR
+ class LogHandler(object):
+ def __init__(self, logfileobj):
+ self.logfileobj = logfileobj
+ self.fileheading = None
+ self.shown = 0
+ def setfileheading(self, fileheading):
+ self.fileheading = fileheading
+ self.shown = 0
+ def write(self, text):
+ if self.fileheading and not self.shown:
+ self.logfileobj.write(self.fileheading)
+ self.shown = 1
+ self.logfileobj.write(text)
+ null_cell = xlrd.empty_cell
+ def show_row(bk, sh, rowx, colrange, printit):
+ if bk.ragged_rows:
+ colrange = range(sh.row_len(rowx))
+ if not colrange: return
+ if printit: print()
+ if bk.formatting_info:
+ for colx, ty, val, cxfx in get_row_data(bk, sh, rowx, colrange):
+ if printit:
+ print("cell %s%d: type=%d, data: %r, xfx: %s"
+ % (xlrd.colname(colx), rowx+1, ty, val, cxfx))
+ else:
+ for colx, ty, val, _unused in get_row_data(bk, sh, rowx, colrange):
+ if printit:
+ print("cell %s%d: type=%d, data: %r" % (xlrd.colname(colx), rowx+1, ty, val))
+ def get_row_data(bk, sh, rowx, colrange):
+ result = []
+ dmode = bk.datemode
+ ctys = sh.row_types(rowx)
+ cvals = sh.row_values(rowx)
+ for colx in colrange:
+ cty = ctys[colx]
+ cval = cvals[colx]
+ if bk.formatting_info:
+ cxfx = str(sh.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx))
+ else:
+ cxfx = ''
+ if cty == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:
+ try:
+ showval = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cval, dmode)
+ except xlrd.XLDateError as e:
+ showval = "%s:%s" % (type(e).__name__, e)
+ cty = xlrd.XL_CELL_ERROR
+ elif cty == xlrd.XL_CELL_ERROR:
+ showval = xlrd.error_text_from_code.get(cval, '<Unknown error code 0x%02x>' % cval)
+ else:
+ showval = cval
+ result.append((colx, cty, showval, cxfx))
+ return result
+ def bk_header(bk):
+ print()
+ print("BIFF version: %s; datemode: %s"
+ % (xlrd.biff_text_from_num[bk.biff_version], bk.datemode))
+ print("codepage: %r (encoding: %s); countries: %r"
+ % (bk.codepage, bk.encoding, bk.countries))
+ print("Last saved by: %r" % bk.user_name)
+ print("Number of data sheets: %d" % bk.nsheets)
+ print("Use mmap: %d; Formatting: %d; On demand: %d"
+ % (bk.use_mmap, bk.formatting_info, bk.on_demand))
+ print("Ragged rows: %d" % bk.ragged_rows)
+ if bk.formatting_info:
+ print("FORMATs: %d, FONTs: %d, XFs: %d"
+ % (len(bk.format_list), len(bk.font_list), len(bk.xf_list)))
+ if not options.suppress_timing:
+ print("Load time: %.2f seconds (stage 1) %.2f seconds (stage 2)"
+ % (bk.load_time_stage_1, bk.load_time_stage_2))
+ print()
+ def show_fonts(bk):
+ print("Fonts:")
+ for x in xrange(len(bk.font_list)):
+ font = bk.font_list[x]
+ font.dump(header='== Index %d ==' % x, indent=4)
+ def show_names(bk, dump=0):
+ bk_header(bk)
+ if bk.biff_version < 50:
+ print("Names not extracted in this BIFF version")
+ return
+ nlist = bk.name_obj_list
+ print("Name list: %d entries" % len(nlist))
+ for nobj in nlist:
+ if dump:
+ nobj.dump(sys.stdout,
+ header="\n=== Dump of name_obj_list[%d] ===" % nobj.name_index)
+ else:
+ print("[%d]\tName:%r macro:%r scope:%d\n\tresult:%r\n"
+ % (nobj.name_index, nobj.name, nobj.macro, nobj.scope, nobj.result))
+ def print_labels(sh, labs, title):
+ if not labs:return
+ for rlo, rhi, clo, chi in labs:
+ print("%s label range %s:%s contains:"
+ % (title, xlrd.cellname(rlo, clo), xlrd.cellname(rhi-1, chi-1)))
+ for rx in xrange(rlo, rhi):
+ for cx in xrange(clo, chi):
+ print(" %s: %r" % (xlrd.cellname(rx, cx), sh.cell_value(rx, cx)))
+ def show_labels(bk):
+ # bk_header(bk)
+ hdr = 0
+ for shx in range(bk.nsheets):
+ sh = bk.sheet_by_index(shx)
+ clabs = sh.col_label_ranges
+ rlabs = sh.row_label_ranges
+ if clabs or rlabs:
+ if not hdr:
+ bk_header(bk)
+ hdr = 1
+ print("sheet %d: name = %r; nrows = %d; ncols = %d" %
+ (shx, sh.name, sh.nrows, sh.ncols))
+ print_labels(sh, clabs, 'Col')
+ print_labels(sh, rlabs, 'Row')
+ if bk.on_demand: bk.unload_sheet(shx)
+ def show(bk, nshow=65535, printit=1):
+ bk_header(bk)
+ if 0:
+ rclist = xlrd.sheet.rc_stats.items()
+ rclist = sorted(rclist)
+ print("rc stats")
+ for k, v in rclist:
+ print("0x%04x %7d" % (k, v))
+ if options.onesheet:
+ try:
+ shx = int(options.onesheet)
+ except ValueError:
+ shx = bk.sheet_by_name(options.onesheet).number
+ shxrange = [shx]
+ else:
+ shxrange = range(bk.nsheets)
+ # print("shxrange", list(shxrange))
+ for shx in shxrange:
+ sh = bk.sheet_by_index(shx)
+ nrows, ncols = sh.nrows, sh.ncols
+ colrange = range(ncols)
+ anshow = min(nshow, nrows)
+ print("sheet %d: name = %s; nrows = %d; ncols = %d" %
+ (shx, REPR(sh.name), sh.nrows, sh.ncols))
+ if nrows and ncols:
+ # Beat the bounds
+ for rowx in xrange(nrows):
+ nc = sh.row_len(rowx)
+ if nc:
+ sh.row_types(rowx)[nc-1]
+ sh.row_values(rowx)[nc-1]
+ sh.cell(rowx, nc-1)
+ for rowx in xrange(anshow-1):
+ if not printit and rowx % 10000 == 1 and rowx > 1:
+ print("done %d rows" % (rowx-1,))
+ show_row(bk, sh, rowx, colrange, printit)
+ if anshow and nrows:
+ show_row(bk, sh, nrows-1, colrange, printit)
+ print()
+ if bk.on_demand: bk.unload_sheet(shx)
+ def count_xfs(bk):
+ bk_header(bk)
+ for shx in range(bk.nsheets):
+ sh = bk.sheet_by_index(shx)
+ nrows = sh.nrows
+ print("sheet %d: name = %r; nrows = %d; ncols = %d" %
+ (shx, sh.name, sh.nrows, sh.ncols))
+ # Access all xfindexes to force gathering stats
+ type_stats = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ for rowx in xrange(nrows):
+ for colx in xrange(sh.row_len(rowx)):
+ xfx = sh.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx)
+ assert xfx >= 0
+ cty = sh.cell_type(rowx, colx)
+ type_stats[cty] += 1
+ print("XF stats", sh._xf_index_stats)
+ print("type stats", type_stats)
+ print()
+ if bk.on_demand: bk.unload_sheet(shx)
+ def main(cmd_args):
+ import optparse
+ global options, PSYCO
+ usage = "\n%prog [options] command [input-file-patterns]\n" + cmd_doc
+ oparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-l", "--logfilename",
+ default="",
+ help="contains error messages")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-v", "--verbosity",
+ type="int", default=0,
+ help="level of information and diagnostics provided")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-m", "--mmap",
+ type="int", default=-1,
+ help="1: use mmap; 0: don't use mmap; -1: accept heuristic")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-e", "--encoding",
+ default="",
+ help="encoding override")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-f", "--formatting",
+ type="int", default=0,
+ help="0 (default): no fmt info\n"
+ "1: fmt info (all cells)\n",
+ )
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-g", "--gc",
+ type="int", default=0,
+ help="0: auto gc enabled; 1: auto gc disabled, manual collect after each file; 2: no gc")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-s", "--onesheet",
+ default="",
+ help="restrict output to this sheet (name or index)")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-u", "--unnumbered",
+ action="store_true", default=0,
+ help="omit line numbers or offsets in biff_dump")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-d", "--on-demand",
+ action="store_true", default=0,
+ help="load sheets on demand instead of all at once")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-t", "--suppress-timing",
+ action="store_true", default=0,
+ help="don't print timings (diffs are less messy)")
+ oparser.add_option(
+ "-r", "--ragged-rows",
+ action="store_true", default=0,
+ help="open_workbook(..., ragged_rows=True)")
+ options, args = oparser.parse_args(cmd_args)
+ if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in ("version", ):
+ pass
+ elif len(args) < 2:
+ oparser.error("Expected at least 2 args, found %d" % len(args))
+ cmd = args[0]
+ xlrd_version = getattr(xlrd, "__VERSION__", "unknown; before 0.5")
+ if cmd == 'biff_dump':
+ xlrd.dump(args[1], unnumbered=options.unnumbered)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if cmd == 'biff_count':
+ xlrd.count_records(args[1])
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if cmd == 'version':
+ print("xlrd: %s, from %s" % (xlrd_version, xlrd.__file__))
+ print("Python:", sys.version)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if options.logfilename:
+ logfile = LogHandler(open(options.logfilename, 'w'))
+ else:
+ logfile = sys.stdout
+ mmap_opt = options.mmap
+ mmap_arg = xlrd.USE_MMAP
+ if mmap_opt in (1, 0):
+ mmap_arg = mmap_opt
+ elif mmap_opt != -1:
+ print('Unexpected value (%r) for mmap option -- assuming default' % mmap_opt)
+ fmt_opt = options.formatting | (cmd in ('xfc', ))
+ gc_mode = options.gc
+ if gc_mode:
+ gc.disable()
+ for pattern in args[1:]:
+ for fname in glob.glob(pattern):
+ print("\n=== File: %s ===" % fname)
+ if logfile != sys.stdout:
+ logfile.setfileheading("\n=== File: %s ===\n" % fname)
+ if gc_mode == 1:
+ n_unreachable = gc.collect()
+ if n_unreachable:
+ print("GC before open:", n_unreachable, "unreachable objects")
+ if PSYCO:
+ import psyco
+ psyco.full()
+ PSYCO = 0
+ try:
+ t0 = time.time()
+ bk = xlrd.open_workbook(
+ fname,
+ verbosity=options.verbosity, logfile=logfile,
+ use_mmap=mmap_arg,
+ encoding_override=options.encoding,
+ formatting_info=fmt_opt,
+ on_demand=options.on_demand,
+ ragged_rows=options.ragged_rows,
+ )
+ t1 = time.time()
+ if not options.suppress_timing:
+ print("Open took %.2f seconds" % (t1-t0,))
+ except xlrd.XLRDError as e:
+ print("*** Open failed: %s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e))
+ continue
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("*** KeyboardInterrupt ***")
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except BaseException as e:
+ print("*** Open failed: %s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e))
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ continue
+ t0 = time.time()
+ if cmd == 'hdr':
+ bk_header(bk)
+ elif cmd == 'ov': # OverView
+ show(bk, 0)
+ elif cmd == 'show': # all rows
+ show(bk)
+ elif cmd == '2rows': # first row and last row
+ show(bk, 2)
+ elif cmd == '3rows': # first row, 2nd row and last row
+ show(bk, 3)
+ elif cmd == 'bench':
+ show(bk, printit=0)
+ elif cmd == 'fonts':
+ bk_header(bk)
+ show_fonts(bk)
+ elif cmd == 'names': # named reference list
+ show_names(bk)
+ elif cmd == 'name_dump': # named reference list
+ show_names(bk, dump=1)
+ elif cmd == 'labels':
+ show_labels(bk)
+ elif cmd == 'xfc':
+ count_xfs(bk)
+ else:
+ print("*** Unknown command <%s>" % cmd)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ del bk
+ if gc_mode == 1:
+ n_unreachable = gc.collect()
+ if n_unreachable:
+ print("GC post cmd:", fname, "->", n_unreachable, "unreachable objects")
+ if not options.suppress_timing:
+ t1 = time.time()
+ print("\ncommand took %.2f seconds\n" % (t1-t0,))
+ return None
+ av = sys.argv[1:]
+ if not av:
+ main(av)
+ firstarg = av[0].lower()
+ if firstarg == "hotshot":
+ import hotshot
+ import hotshot.stats
+ av = av[1:]
+ prof_log_name = "XXXX.prof"
+ prof = hotshot.Profile(prof_log_name)
+ # benchtime, result = prof.runcall(main, *av)
+ result = prof.runcall(main, *(av, ))
+ print("result", repr(result))
+ prof.close()
+ stats = hotshot.stats.load(prof_log_name)
+ stats.strip_dirs()
+ stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
+ stats.print_stats(20)
+ elif firstarg == "profile":
+ import cProfile
+ av = av[1:]
+ cProfile.run('main(av)', 'YYYY.prof')
+ import pstats
+ p = pstats.Stats('YYYY.prof')
+ p.strip_dirs().sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(30)
+ elif firstarg == "psyco":
+ PSYCO = 1
+ main(av[1:])
+ else:
+ main(av)